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Excerpt From Testimonials
"It was a pleasure to hear you playing the piano at The Raffles Hotel Dubai. Not only me but most of my staff and guests were your fans.
In fact, I must say that you are one of the best I have heard in my 9 years in the hotel industry.
I wish you all the luck in the future and I am sure we will come across again.
Thank you and best regards."
Rana Mukherji,
F&B Operations Manager, Raffles Hotel Dubai
"Well first of all I'd like to say it's been a real pleasure working with you this contract. You have made this one of the, if not the, highest ranking music departments in the fleet for most of this season!!"
Bandmaster Jane Milliken, Cruise Ship MS Sun Princess, Princess Cruises
“To whom it may concern, Skheme Pty ltd recently hosted its annual Exhibition of designer ceramic tiles and stones at the Sydney Convention and Entertainment Centre located at Darling Harbour Sydney. The Exhibition proved to be a huge success and our stand appeared to be the talk of the town […] We had a grand piano in the centre. Manuel Zeh played an amazing 2 hours on each of the days. We required an up-beat jazzy kind of feel and Manuel more than satisfied this criteria. He played a variety of songs professionally and efficiently and played part and parcel to the over all atmosphere and feel of our stand. He is truly an amazing pianist. I would not hesitate to recommend Manuel for your next function."
Sebastien Van Schalkwyk, Marketing Manager, Skheme Pty ltd, Sydney, Australia
"Manuel Zeh has always been one of my top students, who always excelled in everything in life, from effortlessly achieving straight A's at school and college to being fluent in many foreign languages. He is an excellent pianist with an extremely interesting and varied repertoire, from classical music to improvisation. His travels have made him a very flexible person and he has always been able to make huge leaps forward in a very short time. He has the courage to do the unconventional in all areas of life, which comes across in his piano music as well. He is incredibly popular with all his piano students at our academies and it was with great pride that I travelled with him to our concert tours in Asia and Australia, where he performed both as soloist and as seminar speaker. I still work closely with Manuel to this day and it is always a pleasure and a privilege."
Wei Tsin-Fu, Director and Associate Professor for Piano, Music Academy Tübingen
"We would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart for the really wonderful and beautiful musical frame for our wedding. When we first talked on the phone, I immediately took very positive note your friendly and charismatic way. […] Your patience and the spontaneous willingness to choose the right titles fortified my decision. As you could not know at the time, we had another offer, but it was very clear to us that only you would perform at our wedding. I especially appreciated the fact that you granted my musical request for „One Moment in Time“ even though you had never played it before. […] Also the musical background you provided for our reception was done in a very neat and beautiful way; we can really tell that you live your music with all your heart. We […] hope that many people will get to enjoy your music and appreciate your outstanding performance."
Anke and Joschi Gross-Biesinger, Tübingen, Germany
"May he not be a magician - but when his fingers run smoothly across the piano keyboard, his playing leaves the audience enchanted by his music. Guest Star Manuel Zeh is a well-known pianist from Germany and is active as teacher and trainer for ANTIM (Academy of Networked Thinking in Music) - especially in Southeast Asia and Australia. [...]
Besides his ingenuity in the field of music,, Manuel Zeh has also been able to learn 9 languages, 7 of which he speaks, reads and writes fluently. After only seven weeks in Jakarta, Manuel already started teaching piano in the Indonesian language."
Ausindo Magazine, Sydney Australia, December 2005 (link)
„Dear Mr. Zeh, thank you very much for your engagement at our party. You were able to masterfully adapt to the theme of the event as well as the desires of our guests. We were also very impressed by the size and variety of your repertoire. You were able to smoothly accompany our singer even though you had not been familiar with most of her repertoire. We especially appreciated your dignified and modest personality as well as your friendly manner. You will be welcome to play for us any day.”
Family Knupfer, Ulm, Germany
"You are definitely, by far, the best bar pianist who ever played at our hotel. The guests really enjoy your music, and you are the first pianist to receive applause and tips. The Sheik sometimes told the other pianists to stop, you're the only one whose music he enjoys. I don't usually listen to the piano consciously, but you often make me stop and pay attention. I love your art, and I enjoy my work when you are here."
Rebhy Abdallah, Raffles Lounge Dubai
„Manuel Zeh accompanied our Pop-Jazz-Choir for a benefit performance at the grand-piano. Within only three rehearsals he acquired our many-sided concert program with songs from the most diverse styles of modern music with such proficiency that one could get the impression he had been playing with us for many years. Manuel skillfully switched between different genres and nevertheless always provided the necessary rhythmical groove, which is not to be taken for granted. He was a decisive contribution to the success of our concert."
Cornelius Fritz, Choir Conductor and Arranger, Voice-Cream, Tübingen, Germany
"At this year's concert, the Big Band Plochingen offered a stylistically well balanced program in the almost sold out town auditorium. [...] Especially noteworthy was soloist Manuel Zeh at the piano with a zestful "Night Train" in the style of the great Oskar Peterson."
Esslinger Zeitung, German Regional News Paper
"To Whom It May Concern:
I am the Manager of the International Brain Academy of Music, Sydney, Chatswood branch. Manuel Zeh has been a part of the teaching staff for 2 years but has been under my direct management for six months.
As the manager of the Chatswood branch of IBA, I have known a large variety of teaching staff, but few can match the energy, initiative and intelligence that Manuel displays.
Manuel will undoubtedly inform you of the full range of his capabilities, but these are few that have particularly stood out to me. He is able to speak 9 languages including German, English, Portuguese and Indonesian fluently, most of these self-taught. He is a friendly employee who communicates well with students, staff and clients. He is also an exquisite pianist. Especially in regards to jazz which he has played impromptu in several of our concerts in Opera House Sydney. Additionally he has memorized many full-length classical pieces.
I can wholeheartedly recommend Manuel Zeh for the position you are considering him for. Where he lacks skills, he has unlimited amounts of motivation and energy to master them. This has been evident to me in his search to improve his teaching skills, during the 2 years I have known him.
As a member of my teaching staff, he has also been able to become a mentor to our new teachers, aiding them where they have need. Under his tutelage, they have displayed much improvement. He has also displayed remarkable punctuality and has never missed a time when he should be at work.
I have no doubts that Manuel Zeh will become a valuable addition to your staff should you choose to employ him. If you desire to contact me, please do so."
Kitty Leung,
Manager of IBA Chatswood, Sydney, Australia
"To whom it may concern, I am very pleased to write a letter of recommendation for Mr. Manuel Zeh. He has taught in my school for the past 6 months. Mr. Zeh is one of the finest teachers I have worked with. He was liked by students and fellow colleagues. Mr. Zeh was always well prepared and 100% professional in every way. I highly recommend Manuel Zeh for any teaching position. If you have any questions, please contact my school."
Jean Aizawa, Tokyo, Japan
"Manuel Zeh was the piano teacher of my son Benjamin in Wernau, Germany. Manuel worked in a very nice manner with him, he was patient and empathetic. Benjamin liked him very much and in just a few weeks he was able to play some nice melodies and was very proud.
In Wernau, Manuel was very famous and popular, because he taught many kids. We were sad when Manuel left Germany.
Manuel is a great pianist and a great man. We never lost touch with him and we are proud to know him. We wish him all the best!!!"
Simone Keck, Wernau, Germany
"We are sad to see you leave Tokyo. If you know any other pianists who work with your training method, please let us know... but You Are The One, in terms of charisma and all that! My daughter Galatea liked your lessons a lot."
Cornelia Kurz, Tokyo, Japan
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